International praktikant
Vi har haft hollandske Jasper i praktik, som ønskede at lære mere om business.
Jasper er meget interesseret i forretninger, så det var naturligt, at han kom i praktik hos os. Praktikopholdet varede en uge - og det har været en travl uge. Han har både været med til internationale møder med Center for Industri, lavet hjemmesider og besøgt virksomheder for at få et indblik i erhvervslivet i Danmark.
Læs Jasper oplevelse af praktikopholdet:
I am Jasper Mieras, I am 17 years old, and I went on an internship in Denmark for Business Viborg. I live in the Netherlands; there I go to school in the city of Arnhem. I am now in my fifth year of the six. Next year I will do my exams, but right now I have to go abroad for an internship. My girlfriend has Danish family, so we chose to go to Denmark with her grandparents. We stay at a farmhouse in Tjele.
When I arrived, Amin Barrada gave me a warm welcome and introduced Business Viborg to me. Amin had made me a schedule with a program for me. On my first day I participated in an online meeting with Peter Astrup and Poul Mortensen and a Dutch team. It was about a project called Sustain-3D in which they cooperate with France, Belgium, and the Netherlands about 3D-printers. I also got an assignment to translate a Danish PowerPoint about Business Viborg to English. Finally, in the evening I was invited to participate in a run in Viborg. We ran as a team against other companies.
On my second day I mainly worked on an assignment, in which I had to create a website for a client. At the beginning, I thought that it would be very hard, however it was really easy. I finished the whole website on my third day, and I am really proud of it.
Furthermore, on my third day, I had a meeting with Amin to help a client, who wants to start a company. Lastly, I had another meeting for Sustain-3D, but this time it was with the French team.
On my last day I was assigned to make a PowerPoint and present it to some of the coworkers here. I presented about my time in Denmark and at Business Viborg. Next to that I wrote this blog. In the afternoon we went to another company for a meeting and lunch.
I have had a lot of fun and I have learned many things during my internship. I like really like Denmark, I like the landscape, because it had a lot of country and hills, unlike the flat Netherlands. Next to that I enjoyed the food here in Denmark, especially the Franske vafler and the hotdogs.
At Business Viborg at I had good time too. There was a really relaxed and nice atmosphere in the office. Everyone was kind to me, and the building was beautiful and new. I have learned a lot from the online meetings for Sustain-3D. It taught me how such meetings look like and how companies cooperate with each other internationally.
These experiences during the internship have also confirmed for me what I want to do in the future. I have always been interested in International Business as a study after high school, and this internship have confirmed that. Therefore, I am really happy and thankful for my internship at Business Viborg, for all the experiences.